Libro recomendado


Obra compilada por Luciana Zorzoli y Juan Grigera sobre la última dictadura militar argentina: The Argentinian Dictatorship and its Legacy Rethinking the Proceso; editado por Palgrave Macmillan.

El índice del libro es el siguiente:
1) Introduction por Juan Grigera & Luciana Zorzoli
2) A Foundation of Terror: Tucumán and the Proceso, 1975–1983 por James Shrader
3) Anti-subversive Repression and Dictatorship in Argentina: An Approach from Northern Patagonia por Pablo Scatizza
4) Economic Policy and Global Change: The Puzzle of Industrial Policy Under the Proceso por Juan Grigera
5) Law-Making and Federalism in Argentina’s Last Dictatorship por Bonvecchi, Alejandro y Emilia Simison
6) State, Filmmaking, and Sexuality During the Military Dictatorship in Argentina (1976–1983) por Débora D’Antonio
7) Rethinking Trade Unions por Luciana Zorzoli
8) Peronism in the Transition and Peronism in Transition: From the End of the Reorganization Process to the Peronist Renovation (1981–1989) de Joaquín Baeza Belda
9) Malvinas/Falklands War: Changes in the Idea of Nationhood, the Local and National, in a Post-Dictatorship Context—Argentina, 1982–2007 por Lorenz, Federico

El libro está disponible en en el siguiente enlace y en versión papel a través de Amazon.

De la contratapa:

“This is a very fine collection of essays by a rising generation of scholars ready and able to test, revise and expand the existing literature on the Proceso. It takes a peculiar combination of intellectual skill, attention to detail, and emotional resource to engage with one of the most traumatic episodes in Argentine national history. This challenge has been met formidably well across a range of themes and with proper attention to the variety of experience across different social sectors and regions of the country.” (James Dunkerley, Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London, UK)

“The Argentinean Dictatorship and its Legacy provides new data and many new insights on a lastingly important major topic in modern Latin American history.” (David Rock, Professor, Department of History, University of California Santa Barbara, USA)